Monday, March 9, 2009

Dark Clouds Rising...

I just finished having another one of my emotional breakdowns. I try to convince myself that nothing can effect me the way things once did and then I begin to cry until I develop a damn headache.

Truth be told, I am ANGRY with the radio industry. It's dying and no one seems to care. But even with the steam that is coming out of my nostrils - I would STILL take a radio job if the opportunity presented itself. It's almost like being in a long time abusive relationship with someone. Rihanna is not going to leave Chris until SHE'S good and ready. I'm the same way. Radio has slapped me around a few times - blackened my eyes and has even made my nose bleed a few times - but I can't leave completely until I'M ready.

I really look forward to sharing my past experiences via this blog sometime in the near future..but as for right now, I can't keep my most immediate thoughts to myself.

First of all, I was listening to a local radio show this morning when one of the co-hosts deemed it necessary to make an "important announcement". I thought that she would be giving away some tickets to an exclusive event or would announce a major concert. Instead, she took that opportunity to confirm what her listening audience may have read in the local paper this morning. She said something like,

"Yes...It's true. Jeff Fox got caught up in the economy and is no longer with our station. His memory will live on. But stay tuned for the REMIXED Wake Up Club with myself, Talent & Bob Slade. That's right. We won't be going anywhere because we come cheap."

I swear to God. I looked for the rewind button on my radio and then suddenly remembered that my radio wasn't a DVR. Are you f*ckin' kidding me? His memory will live on? Did he die or did he get fired? We come cheap? I KNOW you didn't just say that. Furthermore, are you aware that you have opened the flood gates for listeners to start calling the front desk to confirm what you just said? Oh probably don't care because your purpose was probably just to inform your audience that this is YOUR shit now.

If your a REAL radio vet, you TRULY know how freakin' RETARDED this girl is without me having to throughly explain. What a sad, sad day in radio this is. I am working on getting the audio because her comments were just so outrageous to me until I HAVE to let you listen for yourself.

My head is spinning. I will stop now...when I return, I must share what happened to me today as I applied for a General Manager position at a public radio station. I don't think I've ever felt as disrespected as I have today. If I were within 50 yards of that bitch that I talked to today, I would have punched her dead in the throat.

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