Sunday, February 28, 2010

Where I've Been...

I gotta make this REALLY quick because I gotta go to bed.

I got mad and stopped blogging for a while because for the past 10 years or so, I've been incredibly frustrated with people stealing ideas/concepts from me. I found it happening over and over and over again. For instance, I could present an idea, a feature or a potential promotion to my program director for the purpose of enhancing my show. I would get shut the hell down....but they would jack it the concept, give it to another jock and totally disregard my efforts. It made me SO DAMN MAD.

So after being off the airwaves for a few years, I decided to blog about my experiences and the current state of radio in my own little space. Non stop freedom in my little piece of the world wide web with the right to say whatever the FUCK I want to say. But then, something happened.

The blogs/websites that I have constantly shown love and support to started JACKING my content AND images without giving credit to me as the original source. Perhaps I'll get specific a little later....but for now I'll just say, that shit aint right.

But let me clarify something. No - - it aint that serious....but the gumption of it all really got underneath my skin. It was at that moment that I got tired of people sucking my blood dry. I mean, what's wrong with crediting the source? In one instance, I blogged about a comment on another blog that the AUTHOR ignored for weeks. I brought it up....and suddenly, there was an interest.

Sounds kinda childish for me to even make a slight stink over it....but I just figured enough was enough.

I thought that when you show people love....people are supposed to show YOU love. But not so. What's wrong with you Black people?

Specifics will be provided later.

So here am I. Public once again. Filled with more hatred than ever for the radio game. I'm bursting with emotions thanks to the legendary 107.5 WBLS for letting Cedric The Entertainment scream and yell on the air, sounding like a fucking fool the other day.

I really must retire for the evening....But I'll be back.

PS- Lay off the copy and paste feature for a while. Please.

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